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Skin Whitening Tips In Urdu

Skin Whitening Tips In Urdu
Home Made Skin Whitening Tips with very easy process. Skin whitening facial tips in Urdu, Whitening face tips in Urdu, Homemade skin whitening tips, Skin care in UrduSkin whitening tips
1 Take 3 tsp flour1 tsp fresh milk and 1 tsp lemon juice, add these components to each other and mix mixing well to be formed soft dough is placed on the skin. leave this mask on the skin for 20 minutes and then removed with warm water. This mask recipe is only fornormal skin.
 2  Take 1 tsp honey1 tsp fresh milk powder and yeast tablets (Yeast tablets can be obtained from the nearest medical store). Blend the yeast tablets well, mix all the ingredients and make creamy mask. Apply this mask on face and neck with brush. This mask is good for nourishing dry skin.
3.  Mash the banana, and placed them milk and mix well. Distributes the mixture on the skin with a focus on the dark places in the skin. Leave for a quarter of an hour and then wash the face with water, the water, but be tepid.
4.  Mix the ground almonds with the egg albumen with the lemon half even in harmony with each other. Then Put the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face nationalistwarm water and then cold water afterwards. Repeat this process every day and will you see the difference.

Skin whitening tips