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Best Homemade Facial Masks For Acne ...

Best Homemade Facial Masks For Acne

Published from Blogger Prime Android AppApplying homemade facial masks is one of the greatest ways to treat acne as they can be made at home easily. Honey and strawberries make a home remedy for acne that sounds pretty sweet ... Forfacial mask, mix equal parts baking soda to water to form a thick paste. ...... Other)Acne Treatments From Homemade Face Masks For Acne To Pimple


There are few things more embarrassing and damaging to a person's self image than acne. There are also few things more frustrating than spending a small fortune on chemical-laden products that don't seem to work. One alternative is making your own face masks for acne with natural ingredients you probably have at home. Some of these are so easy and inexpensive, there is really no reason not to try them.

Baking Soda and Water

This is probably the most simple yet effective homemade mask for acne. Make a paste by adding water to baking soda until it is the consistency of thin dough and apply it to your freshly cleansed face. After the mask has dried, rinse it off with warm water. This mask is gentle enough to use several times a week.

Egg Whites and Lemon Juice

Separate the yolk from the white part of an egg using an egg separator. Beat the egg white, and the juice from 1/2 a lemon, until fluffy peaks form. Open your pores slightly by rinsing your face with warm water first, then apply the egg whites. Allow the mask to dry for about 30 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.